AG Sharjah Tamil Church

Assemblies of GOD Sharjah Tamil Church

This Sunday Easter Service

Worship : BRO. LIBIN

God's Word : BRO. RASKIN TIME : UAE : 1st Service - 06:30 AM to 08:15 AM, 2nd Service - 08:45 A.M. to 10:30 A.M.

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Doctrinal Statement
Though the following points do not encompass the entire Bible, it specifies the fundamental truth on which our doctrine is based.
1.       The Holy Bible is God’s Word written by the Holy Spirit
The Scriptures are the infallible and indelible Word of God revealing the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven. God speaks in His Holy Word through which man finds his purpose and true meaning in life. 2 Tim 3:15-17, 1 Thes 2:13, 2 Peter 1:12
2.       One True God (The Godhead, three in one- Father, Son and Holy Spirit)
We profess God Almighty (The Father) who dwells in the Light which no one man can approach unto but through His Son Jesus Christ; the Holy Spirit working in our lives to be conformed to His image- the ultimate purpose for Man. Deut 4:35, Is 43:10-11, Romans 8:29
3.       The Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is the image of the invisible God and in Him dwells the fullness of God. All things were created through Him and for Him: things in Heaven and on earth, visible and invisible. He is before all things and in Him all things hold together. He was incarnated in the flesh in a virgin’s womb to restore man’s relationship with God. Matt 1:23, Col 1:16-22
4.       The Fall of Man
One man’s disobedience ushered sin into the world and through it death reigned in his mortal body and soul. Man was alienated from God and the sacrifice of animals and his human endeavors could not restore the breech in the relationship. Gen 2:17, 3:16, Romans 5:12-19
5.       Salvation through Jesus Christ
Man is made right with God through the blood of Jesus Christ. The righteousness of Jesus is imputed to the believer who accepts Him as His personal Savior. Through Him we receive forgiveness of sins and are made children of God. Romans 5: 10, Luke 24:47, Romans 10:13
6.       2 Specific ordinances commanded by the Lord Jesus- Water baptism by immersion, The Lord’s Table
Water baptism by immersion signifies the death of a believer to sin and dead works and his birth into a new creation in Christ. It is an outward sign to the world, of his covenant made with God. Romans 6:4
The Lord’s Table makes us partakers of the heavenly calling and reminds us of the sufferings and death of our Lord that purchased our freedom. 2 Peter 1:4, 1Cor 11:26
7.       Baptism of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is given to every child born of God and is the seal of His ownership over us. He is our comforter, counselor and intercessor. He transforms us to the image of Jesus Christ every day. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body of Christ. 1Cor 12:13
8.       Manifestation of the Holy Spirit
There are varieties of gifts but the same Spirit who imparts to each believer as He deems best for both the edification of the believer, individually and the church as a whole.1Cor 12:7
9.       Sanctification
It is the work of the Holy Spirit as the church presents itself as a living sacrifice to be set apart from this world and to be presented blameless before the Lord’s presence in glory. He transforms us from glory to glory to become holier still in word and deed. 2Cor 3:18, Rev22:11
10.   The great Commission to the Church
The church is on a mission to make disciples for Jesus and set the captives of sin and death, free through the Salvation offered by Jesus Christ our Lord. Matt 28:18-20
11.   Leadership in church ordained by God
God arranged the members in the body, each one of them as He chose. All the ordained elders and leaders of the church operate within the bounds of the law of Christ as led by the Holy Spirit. 1Cor 12:18
12.   Divine Healing
Jehovah Rophe of the Old Testament perfected our healing through the death of His Son on the cross. God’s healing is the right of every child of God and they in turn have the authority from Jesus, to extend God’s providence and His Healing to this fallen world in His name. Is 53:5, Mark 16:18
13.   The Blessed Hope of rapture before the reign of the Antichrist
Every believer who awaits the Second Coming of Jesus will be caught together with the Lord in the air and the dead in Christ shall rise to life evermore. 1Thes 4:16, 17
14.   Millennial reign of Christ
The saints of God will reign with Jesus for a thousand years. Satan will be bound in chains and thrown into the bottomless pit so that He might not deceive the nations until the thousand years are ended. Rev 20:1-4
15.   The Final Judgment
All the dead, great and small, who have rejected Christ, will have to stand before the great white throne of God and be judged for what they have done. Those whose names are not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life will be thrown into the lake of fire, created for satan and his angels. Rev 20: 11-15
16.   New Heavens and a New Earth
The Lord will make all things new, and there will be no more death nor pain nor sorrow. The former things will all be passed away and so we shall be with the Lord forever and ever and ever, Amen! Rev 21:1-5

Worship Schedule


Location : ST. Martin’S Anglican Church, 

  Directions :  


15 Abdullah Bin Anees St-21st Street,  Al Yarmook, Sharjah, UAE  


Directions : ST. Martin's Anglican Church   


Worship - Every Sunday in St. Mary's Hall


1st Service: 6:30 am - 8:15 am


2nd Service: 08:45 am - 10:30 am


Mid Week Service - Every Thursday in St. Mary's Hall



 Service: 8:30 pm - 10:00 pm


Brother's Fellowship in Zoom Meeting



 Every 2nd Sunday 12:-00 Noon - 1:15 pm


Women’s Fellowship In Zoom Meeting



3rd Sunday 11:-45 am - 1:00 pm


Children's Scripture Class in Online



Every Sunday10:30 AM - 11:15 AM


Location : MAM (Majilis Al Madinah) Restauran - Party Hall, Abu Shagara, Sharjah


Directions :  MAM - Majilis Al Madinah 


Fasting Prayer in St. Thimothy hall



Every Saturday 10:00 am to 12:30 pm


Night Prayer in St. Mark & St. Luke hall



Every 3rd Friday 8:00 pm - 10:30 pm


Prayer Cell



8:30 pm - 10:00 pm
(In different places)



Prayer Request


New to the website is a 24/7 Emergency Prayer Chain. Please visit the Prayer Request page and complete the
Prayer Request Form

Video Gallery
02.04.2023 SUNDAY..
by: Pastor.Paulsamy

12.03.2023 Sunday ..
by: Br.Durai

26.03.2023 Sunday ..
by: Brother .William

05.03.2023 Sunday ..
by: Pastor. Immanuel

19.03.2023 Sunday ..
by: Pastor.Paulsamy

19.02.2023 Sunday ..
by: Dr.Raja Singh Elias

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