AG Sharjah Tamil Church

Assemblies of GOD Sharjah Tamil Church

This Sunday Service

Worship : PR. JACKSON

God's Word : BRO. RASKIN TIME : UAE : 1st Service - 06:45 AM to 08:30 AM, 2nd Service - 09:00 A.M. to 10:45 A.M.

English  |   Tamil
AG Church > About AG Church >
With the Lord, whose name is Counselor, Comforter, the Keeper of our Souls, as our focus, this ministry was introduced in our Church in the year 2007. The Holy Spirit convicted us as this being the “need of the hour” where people residing away from their home become vulnerable to the wiles of the enemy. Many suffer from shattered dreams, of job dissatisfaction with lesser than expected or no remuneration, depression, family problems, etc leading to the total disillusionment of the precious child of God. Thank God for His Son Jesus Christ, who nurtures and cherishes His body, the Church, through the Holy Spirit.
Under the leadership of Bro. Durai, the main motive is to provide biblical counseling for major decisions in every realm of life, “to take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Cor 10:5). Questions on, how to know the will of God while seeking a spouse or manage a financial crisis or deal with depression, are addressed from a Spirit-led standpoint. Counseling is provided even on how to prepare a bio-data and attend interviews for those who are switching or are in between jobs.

Worship Schedule


Location : ST. Martin’S Anglican Church, 

  Directions :  


15 Abdullah Bin Anees St-21st Street,  Al Yarmook, Sharjah, UAE  


Directions : ST. Martin's Anglican Church   


Worship - Every Sunday in St. Mary's Hall


1st Service: 6:45 am - 8:30 am


2nd Service: 09:00 am - 10:45 am


Mid Week Service - Every Thursday in St. Mary's Hall



 Service: 8:30 pm - 10:00 pm


Brother's Fellowship in Zoom Meeting



 Every 2nd Sunday 12:-00 Noon - 1:15 pm


Women’s Fellowship In Zoom Meeting



3rd Sunday 11:-45 am - 1:00 pm


Children's Scripture Class in Online



Every Sunday10:30 AM - 11:15 AM


Location : MAM (Majilis Al Madinah) Restauran - Party Hall, Abu Shagara, Sharjah


Directions :  MAM - Majilis Al Madinah 


Fasting Prayer in St. Thimothy hall



Every Saturday 10:00 am to 12:30 pm


Night Prayer in St. Mark & St. Luke hall



Every 3rd Friday 8:00 pm - 10:30 pm


Prayer Cell



8:30 pm - 10:00 pm
(In different places)



Prayer Request


New to the website is a 24/7 Emergency Prayer Chain. Please visit the Prayer Request page and complete the
Prayer Request Form

Video Gallery
Sunday Service 26/..
by: Br.Durai

Sunday Service 05/..
by: Rev.Andrew

Sunday 2nd Service..
by: Evag.Gnanaselvin

02.04.2023 SUNDAY..
by: Pastor.Paulsamy

by: Bro.Ruskin

26.03.2023 Sunday ..
by: Brother .William

Photo Gallery
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